Each participant brings a text of their choice, in any language, it could be a fragment of their own writing, it could be a poem, it could be something completely unrelated to aesthetics. They read aloud a 1 min or less fragment of it, one at a time. We then play a guided voice game transforming the intention, feelings and address we relate to while speaking or singing the words. We will transform the text into a gesture of the body-mind.
This workshop is also a living performance that we give to each other, as we hear the unfolding of different vibrations, evolving through time and the shiftings of mental-corporeal space. It is also a reading group, the pleasure of hearing out the words we each picked as a material to play with.
Transforming Words is a part of the
Sonic Time Machines depart from the medium of sound to reflect on questions of science fiction and worldbuilding. It is meant as a place for the presentation, reflection and feedback of sound-based work.
Materials will be shared in this