Simon Asencio
Reading at Random or Turning The Page or Singing Out of Doors
22 August
A communal reading plotted by and with (in random order):
Virginia Woolf, Brenda R. Silver, Daniel Tiffany, rile*, Maria DiBattista, Clarissa Dalloway, Robin Hood, Paula Almiron, William Caxton, Ursula Le Guin, Hugh Latimer, the departed and forthcoming Anons, Lancelot and Morgan le Fay, Stefan Govaart, Shakespeare and the Elizabethans, Clara Amaral, Anne Carson, Lady Anne Bacon, Luciani Giovanni, Eleonora Federici, Emily Kopley, the witches of North Berwick, Samuel R. Delany, Fredrik Floen, Eothen Stearn, Robert Glück, Christiane Blattmann, Macbeth, Orlando,...
The voice that broke the silence of the forest was the voice of Anon.
A reading of and for multiple voices, to invoke figures, characters and myths from another time; a time prior to the formation of the author, prior to the narrative omniscience of the writer, prior to the internal voice of the individual reader.
This reading will be based on a work by Virginia Woolf. She had begun to set down ideas for a book she first called Reading at Random and, later, Turning the Page. When she brought her life to an end, she left this project unfinished. In spite of its incomplete state, the corpus of the text lives through the writing of others: a body made of quotes, evocations, annotated and edited fragments. Perhaps attending to this body of works is attending to a whole story of kinship in writing and reading, is attending to a subtext that lifts a song from other people’s lips.
