Azahara ubera Biedma
Plant Readers Sessions
24 August
is an international research dedicated to the creation, articulation, and propagation of a situated practice. We dance for plants. How is this practice related to more-than-human knowledges and bodies? What are its requirements and obligations? What can it do and how can it be done? How does it matter? What can it teach us and how risky is it?
D.R.S facilitate workshops, perform at people’s homes for their plants, take part in exhibitions and conferences, collaborate with artists, activists, institutions, scholars, witches, gardeners, dead people, pets, bodies of water and many other humans and nonhumans, in order to proliferate experiences, scores, texts, frameworks, movements, affects, thoughts, stories, images, intimacies, ethics, gatherings, and myriad wiggling materials as companions to conspire accountable ways of relating and belonging.
