Oscar Galeev + Dimitri van den Wittenboer
Lecture-Walk: Dérive on Commoning and Ideology
18-19 August
Dérive - a mode of experimental behaviour linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. (Guy Debord, 1958)
We invite the participants to join a lecture-walk through St. Erme, exploring Guy Debord's distinction between the diffused and the concentrated spectacle by contrasting a rural environment with the cyberpunk imaginary of a Chinese metropolis.
We will walk through the village of St. Erme and visit different spots including the local library, the cafe/bar Le Cap Vert, the Intermarche and the animal farm and will conclude with a picnic in the forest from where everyone can find their way back to Paf. Each location will be informed with a small activity that will help us to talk, to think and to embody Debord's concept of the spectacle in the contemporary context.
How does ideology operate within techno-utopianism of the West or of modern totalitarian capitalist China? How is it similar to green-utopianism and modern ideology of the benevolence of nature? Does capitalist recuperation really function in a different way in a French village and among the highrises of Shanghai?
While having a meal together at the end of our journey we will try to jointly formulate the tactics of resistance in a high-tech dystopia and juxtapose ideology to commoning as an inherently revolutionary practice.
We would like to offer 2 days of the same walk. Preferably on the 18th and 19th of August.
The walk will take place at noon after breakfast 11:00 - 15:00/16:00.
Note: The residents of St. Emre will not be disturbed in any way during the walk. All activities will be respectful towards the context and remain within the frame of the casual everyday life of the village.
