Anouchka Oler Nussbaum
Learning How to Speak Again
25 August
Ventriloquism etymologically refers to someone who speaks from the stomach. As the voice is no longer fluctuated by the movement of the mouth, it seems to come from elsewhere. From lower down perhaps, allowing one to finally say what one's stomach thinks. To disassociate the voice from the body enables those who are not here or no longer there to speak as much as to conjure a voice in a remote body.
During a 2 to 3 hours workshop, Anouchka will pass down basic techniques of ventriloquism. We will go through how to speak through other bodies, have conversations with objects, make them speak or say what you really think with a smile. Learn how to speak multiple voices, plural, from elsewhere, again.The workshop will start with a 20’ performance that was commissioned by Mophradat aspart of the festival “Read the Room” in 2022.
