Estelle Czernichowski + Anastasia Guevel + Laurent Isnard + Arthur Jules
Danse Aveugle
26 August
Danse Aveugle est une expérience à vivre les yeux fermés, en ayant recours au toucher. C’est une grande cartographie tactile, déployée au sol et conçue en dialogue avec des personnes malvoyantes et aveugles.
Au son d’une musique live, c’est une invitation à trouver des trajectoires, des dessins et des formes, à se mouvoir au gré de l’imaginaire et des émotions.
Danse Aveugle is a performance and an installation piece at once: a large tactile map deployed on the ground that can be explored without having resort to sight. It as developed with support of La Féderation Bruxelles Wallonie,. The visitors of Danse Aveugle are accompanied by dancers and musicians that act as guides. They accompany the participants in the movement and in the discovery of the patterns of the map drawn on the ground. This map is composed of carpets of different thickness and texture, its forms inspired by both real and imagined architecture and landscapes.
The development of Danse Aveugle was fueled by an exchange with visually impaired and blind people, in close association with La Ligue Braille, Eqla and Passe Muraille. The material research was supported by textile designers Maak and Transmettre, while conceptual exploration was inspired by both seeing and visually impaired dancers.
In Danse Aveugle, we collaborated with many actors from different fields to create a multi-faceted installation, that can ultimately be seen as a large-scale sculpture where we open the possibility to perform and explore.
